Thursday 27 November 2008

Tsunami of work

Well again i cant believe its been nearly two months since i blogged (painfull lol)

its early in the morning and im thinking of all the work ive got to do, essays, paintings, models,and what to put in an exhibition im putting on with some friends, not to forget all the mundane housie stuff that is constantly there, ive just had a new kitchen and bathroom fitted, and it still has to be finished off, and ive also been doing my sons room up to, and all after an operation i had three weeks ago! but the creative juices are flowing so im riding on that energy.....ive told all my family and friends im not doing christmas this year, cos i think its all a pointless waste of time me not being christian, baaaahumbug you hear me say? Well you have to draw the line somewhere! and who can afford it in these lean times?

Wednesday 8 October 2008

doesnt time fly

Well its October already and i can believe i havent posted for 5 weeks!

Well Uni's going well and im seeing improvements in myself alround!

operation clean up is still working to a degree, and ive been keeping up with the course.

think the art and spirituals kicking in nicely, have to be focused on the Goal X

Thursday 28 August 2008

call in the big girls.

Getting organised....well its less than a week to Uni and my flat looks like a bombs hit it

and its made me a bit depressed to tell you the truth, so i enrolled the help of my mum

shes great, she loves housework and she kicks my butt to do it to....thats whats needed!

Its because i have a short attension span to anything that doesnt interest me, well im sitting here blogging and i should be getting dressed because my mums around in a min, for part two of operation clearout. Id make a vid of it but it would be too scary lol.

Have you seen this painting?

Well it wasnt stolen just supidly placed, and now its gone.....i hope who ever has it is enjoying it, just a shame they dont know the story behind the picture only two people do.

Monday 25 August 2008

An eye opener

Well it was a very interesting weekend, i met up with an old work pal of mine and he introduced me to , there i met other artists and was in ore of the restoration of this old 1890 sewage pumping station that has turned into a mecca for artists and photographers,and has a fantastic Cafe with top food and lovely coffee. I saw work by the artist Sam spencer and was imprested by the atmospher he created with old scrapmetal objects and very powerful audio in the exhibition hall.....i will definately be visiting the wapping project more often....Please check out their website!

Friday 22 August 2008

In my day

Well the other day i was asked....."what was it like in your day, u know in the 70's and 80's?
Suddenly feeling very ancient i replyed"Simpler"probably the most technical thing going was a video recorder, and the state of the art games then took up to an hour to load on a sinclair!
"No!" lil grasshopper answered, yep we through daffs at each other in a Morrissey style and Radio was king, and if you had to get hold of somebody, you had to wait until they got home....ahh yes The good Life! Things were simpler mmmmmmmmmmmm

Tuesday 19 August 2008

Back Home

well talk about life changing quickly! I have gone on the self employed route again
after telling my boss where she can shove her job, spending time at home in the holls with
my son has been nice (and he loves Crowley)but also The uni work and Artsouls is getting done and i only have 1 more task! Editing my vids been a bit difficult because my DVD player audio cable is buggered and im missing some software, so im having to do some hopefully ill have it done by the weekend.

Thursday 14 August 2008

La vie en rose

Well before my son comes back from his holiday i decided to have a French

evening i bought the DVD "La Vie en Rose" about the life of Edith Piaf

(see my youtube fav's if you havent a clue?) and drunk a very expensive bottle of red wine called Chat en oeuf (cat on an egg) and didnt do to badly translating when i couldnt focus on the subtitles,most enjoyable evening i recomeded the above, even though ive just fell of the wagon!....MMMMM no there will be no regrets la la la la

Wednesday 13 August 2008

A Pat on the back from me

Well its amazing what you can achieve when your not down the pub, ive been a good

this week and stayed in and caught up on all those annoying little things that needed doing.

The studio is lovely and spacious and ive set up my video equipment for some arty youtube vids,

that star lots of Crowley (pick of fav pratchett charactor and kitten above), also ive completed another large task for Uni, set up the headspace cafe after being in storage,and by overcoming procrastination, combining the two! just have to do some editing now..........

Monday 11 August 2008

Mountains of treakle

thats what it feels like at the moment sooooo much to do, and im not enjoying any of it!

I suppose if this was my own personal diary you'd see ***!!!!$$$$$$ #####!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but its public so ill behave lol, My studio is in my bedroom which isnt very good Feng shui, and the lights not fantastic! so i decided to move my studio to the front room....that is not really used as a front room, im having to invest in some storage because i didnt realise how much art stuff i had!

Well im not so alone now i have Crowley, my 7 week old kitten.... Why Crowley? Well yes theres Alister Crowley and also my fav charactor in the pratchett story Good omens, and hes a black cat to, i had visions of him turning up....even though i asked my friend to pick one out for me and

bring it round...they did well....cos hes just Puuuuuuuuurfect X

Saturday 9 August 2008

Headspace kitchen

Headspace cafe Part Deiux
It all started when i suggested a concept a bit different from the normal personal profile on myspace to a friend, also linked in quite nicely with an art task called "object of my desire" were i had to create the dream. I spent a whole year building Headspace cafe from an old dolls house i found at a fritht store.I minaturised obsessively!
The concept was an online hippy cafe in minature, it grew into proportions, more than i imagined an became a full time
hobby......then i had to pull the plug on it because i had to get a real job! .......In a cafe lol
Which is aiming me towards the object of my desire.......Magic X

Sorry officer

Drove my friends car down to the sea, ate fish and chips and drove back again,on the way back i was commenting about the knack you have to have with the gear stick....then my mate grabbed hold of my arm and put my hand on it to show how his knack of gear changes, i lost concentration and nearly left the road....after correcting myself i said" could you imagine having to explain to the police how i crashed the car? Sorry officer, but he was showing me how to handle his gear stick! lol.....needs to say we drove the rest of the way home laughing till we nearly shat ourselves...i have another lesson next week, lets hope we can be abit more serious! ME? Never!!!! lol.

All change

My mates just phoned me...Make that 2 hours of sleep and an afternoon of driving lessons....wooooooooooooop!

Giving up

After a heavy night down the pub and a cracking hangover, i scraped my coppers together
paid my rent, and swore never to drink again!!!!
It was a radical day, i had all my hair cut off, into a crop/bob very bohiemian, very unuseual
nobody in the pub recognised me....and when they did they were so shocked! Nancy!!! Youve cut all your hair off oooooooohhhhhh thats a mad hair do! girl!!!!!
But yes the drinking is going to stop,and so is the smoking....ive just realised that i have so much to do and cos im alone, im the only one whos going to kick my sorry fat arse in to action or im going to fail misserably :o( so its 2 hours of study then im going to crack into some decorating
also awaiting the arrival of my 6week old Kitten this weekend aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh L8888ers XXX

Wednesday 6 August 2008


so many ideas

this always happens to me when im at work, i never think of the task im doing
im thinking of the task id like to be doing!!!! IM NOT LIVING IN THE MOMENT!!!!
But the task id like to be doing is painting,but im very rarely doing the task i should but everything comes together in its own crazy way!!! I think most people relate to this?

Monday 4 August 2008

Archangel Michael

My Reason to be Cheerful XXX

Counting my blessings

I find that the way to shift my moods, is by counting my blessings
To sit in a quiet place and name all the positive things that are in
my life, my children all my family and friends,the fact that i have a good job
and my degree work......and a roof over our heads, and last but not least, good health!
when your depressed its hard to think positively ,but if you have a list in a book, next to your bed,it helps shift your moods.